Midsummer Newsletter

As I write this, it is Midsummer, the Summer Solstice – Litha – weekend.

I hosted my first online Litha ritual celebration, with 11 amazing women. I had no idea how or even if it was going to work online. These rituals, this coming together in circle, are a way for us to connect, to share stories, laughter, make magic and music – sing, drum, meditate and ritual together, as our ancestors have always done, gathered around the fire… and so I did not know how we would be able to transport that to this new online world we are living in right now. But actually it went really well! I always say The Universe will always bring the right people together at the right time, and this event was no exception, and although we were separated by distance, we wove threads of energy between us and created a powerful connection.

This does not mean to say that this is now the new way, as there is much that can’t be done online – the physical connection – using sound like drumming, singing bowls and gongs, don’t transport well over zoom, but this has certainly shown that there is a need for women to be able to come together, to deepen their connection with the seasons and cycles, with nature, Mother Earth, with magic! –  as women right now we want to explore the Goddess within, in a supported and nurtured way, and we are nothing if not adaptable, and so this has given us an extra tool.

Which means, as we move forward, through this strange new landscape that is the covid pandemic, I will add online circle gatherings to my list of offerings.

I have posted an empowering life affirming Summer Solstice meditation up on my YouTube channel, and my latest blog on the website also has a midsummer ritual, Goddess chant and lots of information and ideas for easy ways to celebrate the solstice.


The next celebration on the Pagan calendar is the festival of Lughnasadh, the first harvest, around 1st August. If we are able to come together in the physical, however small, then we will do this, around the fire, with perhaps a sound journey offered, or story telling, drumming and chanting, as well as a ritual to honour the season – but I can also now offer this online for the people who can’t be with us in the physical, and so we weave our web ever stronger!

If you would like to join in or receive information specifically on the Women’s Circle Events, please email me so I can include you on that list – I send out newsletters but I am mindful that I don’t want to “spam” people, we all have enough stuff in our inboxes, so I only want to send out if you would like to receive it.

Exciting News for the AuroraStar Holistic Therapies & Training School

2020 is an exciting year for AuroraStar Holistic Therapies and Training School as we branched out and went into collaboration with other teachers within the industry who hold the same high standards and values that I am so proud of at AuroraStar.

The first of what I hope will be many amazing tutors to come on board and join the team is Simone, owner and founder of Angelic Touch Holistic Therapies and Training. Simone is an incredibly caring and intuitive therapist and tutor, with her own beautiful treatment room based in the village of Upper Shelton in Bedfordshire. Simone teaches all of the courses on the AuroraStar therapy menu, as well as her own Reiki courses. Below is a little bio from Simone about herself and her journey with holistic therapies.

Simone Profile

Simone Mcpherson – VTCT Level 3. Reiki Master/Teacher. Energy Practitioner.  Award in Education & Training (AET) Level 3. Holistic End Of Life Skills Practitioner/Companion.  MFHT. APTL (Reg006). Fully qualified and insured teacher and practitioner.

Angelic Touch Holistic Therapies & Training:

“I feel very honoured to be an AuroraStar Holistic Therapies and Training affiliate. Teaching within this profession is where my heart sings with joy. To be able to share my passion and give light to this wonderful, all-encompassing abundant energy commonly known as a human body is priceless. My journey to becoming a fully qualified Holistic Therapist started in the year 2002 when I was attuned to Reiki. Reiki opened the door to this astounding world that never seizes to surprise me.  Since then I have dedicated my life to exploring the unison work of our mind and body through the effects of our emotions and thoughts.”

Re – Opening the holistic therapy training school post Lockdown

We are learning to work with new ways of being, and although the lack of physical and social interaction, not being able to work, and the huge restrictions that have been placed on our freedom and liberties have been really hard during this time, we have also been pushed beyond our comfort zones to explore those new ways, and they are showing us some interesting new ways of working, that enable us to spend more time at home, or use our time more productively.

To this end, to keep in line with the government restrictions on our business, the theory side of our training will now be delivered online via zoom for the moment. Those of you that know how AuroraStar Holistic Therapies & Training School runs know that much of our emphasis is on the practical side of the training, we are very much “hands on” therapists, and feel it’s important to deliver our training in this way, but all of our courses do have a theory element to them, and so there is no reason why this element cannot be delivered online over a couple of hours, or less even, with the student in the comfort and safety of their own home. This means we can schedule the practical element of the training on another day, thus only taking up half the time, and adhering to the social distancing rules and hygiene policies that we must maintain for the time being. We will ask the student to bring their own model, preferably one who is already within their social “bubble”.

Something else we can offer, if you have a salon, for a nominal extra fee, is us coming to you for the practical element of the training. This will be taken on an individual basis and so please get in touch to discuss this with us.

Obviously we rely on absolute honesty and transparency regarding anyone –  trainer, student, model or client, having symptoms of Covid-19, or any other illness for that matter, that displays the Covid symptoms, and letting us know, and so while these restrictions are in force we will waive all cancellation fees – no matter how late in the day, we would rather have a cancellation than risk the health of our tutors, students and clients.

Although this time has been really interesting, taking me out of my comfort zone, and making me work in new ways, I am really looking forward to seeing everyone in the physical again, and being able to offer my therapies and training to you all once more!!

Online 5 Week Meditation and Mindfulness Course

My 5 week meditation and mindfulness course has proved really popular over this last three months, with all courses being fully booked! I am running 1 more at the end of June, and then will have a break for the summer, before I restart in the Autumn. I still have a few places left on this one.

Holistic End of Life Skills Events – Online and Face to Face

Having taken my Holistic End of Life Skills course online, it proved a real success! None of us are immune from being touched by death. We have become more and more disconnected from the processes that we go through at the end of our lives, and the connection or dis-connection from the natural world, ourselves and each other that this has brought about.  I believe passionately in re-connecting people with that ancient knowledge that we all have within us and these informal days do that. It is a day of sharing of stories, learning to be confident in dealing with someone who is at the end of their lives, as well as having the conversations and planning for our own end of lives! Once we can face death fully empowered we can truly live!

I have 2 online courses scheduled at the moment, one on the 8th of August, and one specifically for Pagans on 24th October. If you aren’t on facebook and wish to now more about these events please don’t hesitate to contact me. I have a few places left on them, but they are very popular and are filling up fast.

I have chosen to run a separate course for pagans because, being pagan myself, even though we are generally quite comfortable and open talking about death and dying, as well as what may be beyond, there are still many considerations to think about when we are faced with our loved ones or our own deaths in institutions that are really not equipped to address or deal with our needs. This course is aimed at bringing these into discussion.

Once we know more about how lockdown restrictions are lifted and working I plan to run these courses as face to face groups as well.


The magical healing Universal energy that is Reiki is an ever-constant presence in my life. So much so that I almost forgot to mention it here! I always remember my first Reiki Master telling me that by the time you get to Reiki 3, Reiki is just part of you – and it really is! I feel extremely blessed, honoured and privileged to be able to share the gift of Reiki, and run regular Reiki courses in levels 1, 2 and 3 Reiki Master Teacher.

I have decided to run level 1 partly online, and so will do day 1 connected via zoom, which will teach the fundamentals of Reiki as well as give you the attunements. Reiki is a healing modality that can be given distantly and so lends itself very well to this – but I do believe that day 2 needs to be shared in person, face to face, and so we will do day 2 as soon as the lockdown restrictions are lifted. (addition note: The Universe clearly had other plans regarding running Reiki online, as when we tried, none of us could get a good signal, we couldn’t log in or stay connected!! and so face to face it is!! got to love how the Universe works!)

I always keep my classes small, and so I’m sure, even with some restrictions in place, we will still be able to do this one very soon.

Green Witch Herbal Remedies

The frantic foraging and harvesting of herbs and flowers in the early summer has slowed down a pace now – I am starting to bottle all the tinctures and infused oils I made last month, but there are still magical gifts to forage through the summer! I am waiting for the lime trees, the Linden blossom, to come into flower, within the next couple of weeks, as well as the beautiful and magical Mugwort nearer the end of the summer. I put blogs up on my website and videos on YouTube showing how I use the herbs and plants that are growing on our doorsteps to help bring health and healing into our lives, and hopefully soon I will run some small practical workshops passing on these ancient natural wise woman skills.

And so this brings me to the end of my Midsummer newsletter. As we move through this pandemic, and ever closer to un-locking, our lives will speed up, I know mine has already started gearing up to the long awaited return to work, but let us try and retain some of the inner peace and connection to nature that we have developed over these months – I wish you all the joy, peace, and abundance of the season, and look forward to connecting with you soon, on whatever level that may be.

Much love and green blessings


AuroraStar Holistic Therapies & Training, VTCT level 3. Award in Education and Training (AET) level 3. APTL. MIPTI. MAR. Reiki Master and Teacher. Soul Midwife – Holistic End of Life Skills Practitioner. Trainer & Mentor. Hedgerow Herbalist.

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