Upcoming Training Dates 2019

Below is a list of the courses that are running on scheduled dates, but I specialise in being flexible so will happily accommodate different dates to suit you. All holistic therapy training classes are a maximum of 4 people, with no minimum size, so you get maximum tutoring and 1-2-1 ongoing support. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. (this post will be updated as courses become available)


Beginners Meditation Course – Dates; Weekly. Starts Tuesday 28th May 6pm – 7.15pm AND AT TIMES THROUGHOUT THE YEAR – CHECK OUT MY EVENTS PAGE ON FACEBOOK FOR THE LIST OF CURRENT CLASSES & TRAINING;  https://www.facebook.com/pg/aurorastarholistic/events/?ref=page_internal

This 5 week beginners meditation course will give you the tools to take control of your life and to be able to meditate effectively, to reduce stress and anxiety, improve your mood and sleep pattern, as well as a host of other health benefits. I will take you through the basics of meditation, starting with breathwork and mindfulness. You will leave with a greater understanding of your body and mind as well as having a meditation technique that works for you and will fit into your lifestyle. All you need to bring is yourself and a willingness to commit to a few minutes a day to notice the benefits!

These classes are also open to experienced meditators too! If you are looking for motivation, or to pick up some new tips, or just would like to connect with other people, these classes are available as a drop in priced at £10 a class.

Investment is £50. £20 deposit payable upon booking to secure your place, The class will be small, up to 6 people maximum.

brainwaves and meditation


Reiki 1 Initiate Level – Dates; Tuesday 16th July & Wednesday 17th July 10am – 4pm approx.

This is a 2 day initiate level into learning and being attuned to Reiki, self healing being the primary goal. Over the 2 days you will learn about the history of Reiki, what it is and how  you can work with it to empower your life. You will learn about energy, how to self treat and to give treatments to your friends, family and pets! I hope this will be the beginning of a journey that will change your life!

Investment for the two days is £150. £50 deposit to secure your place is payable on booking. Class size is kept small, 4 people max. to ensure personal attention.

Please bring your own lunch, refreshments (teas, coffee, biscuits) will be provided.



Natural Facelift Massage – Date; Tuesday 5th March 2019 – Time; 10am – 4.30pm (approx)

Tuesday 30th April 2019 – Time; 10am – 4.30pm (approx)

Also known as the “non botox facial”! This is a one day intensive course to learn the wonderful modality of the Natural Face Lift, which is a blend of Indian Ayuvedic moves, facial reflexology , Japanese acupressure, and lymphatic drainage to lift, tone, plump, detoxify and rejuvinate the face. It is an incredibly popular treatment, and is so relaxing to give as well as to receive!

This one day accredited diploma course is open to complete beginners or existing therapists.

Investment; £150. inclusive of comprehensive manual, diploma and ongoing support.

(Students are required to bring their own lunch, refreshments are provided)



Hot (and cold) Stones Massage Therapy – Date; Wednesday 24th April 2019 – Time; 10am – 4.30pm (approx)

This fully validated and accredited one day course is an intensive, practical based day which will give you all the necessary skills to perform a great hot and cold stone massage. We learn about the history of hot stone therapy, and how to safely deliver one of the most popular massages available – your clients will LOVE this treatment! It’s also great for the therapist as you are able to deliver a deep massage with reduced strain on the thumbs and fingers!

Investment for this course is £175.  inclusive of comprehensive manual, diploma and ongoing support. *

Prerequisites for this course are proof that the student holds recognised qualifications in Anatomy & Physiology, and Full Body Swedish Massage.

Awarded 14 points for Continual Professional Development (CPD)

(Students are requested to provide their own lunch, refreshments are provided)

* Check with your insurance provider that they will insure you for this course before booking.


Ear Candling (Thermal Auricular Therapy) – Date; Tuesday 23rd April 2019 – Time; 10am – 4pm

Saturday 11th May 2019 – Time 10am – 4pm

This 1 day intensive course will teach you everything you need to know about the history of ear candling, the techniques, benefits, contraindications, basic anatomy of the skin, head, and outer and inner ear. This is an easy to learn therapy which can benefit anyone who suffers with ear, nose, sinus and throat problems. As well as instruction of the safe use of candles, students will learn a basic facial massage designed to stimulate the lymphatic system as well as bring about deep relaxation!

Anatomy and physiology is not a requirement for this course. (It should be noted that this is a complementary treatment and should not replace the advice of a medical practitioner)

Investment for this course is £155. inclusive of a set of Biosun candles for use on the course, comprehensive manual, diploma and on-going support. (Students may purchase sets of Biosun candles to take away with them at £5.50 a pair)

Awarded 14 points for Continual Professional Development (CPD)

(Students are requested to bring their own lunch, refreshments are provided)


Reiki 2 Practitioner Refresher Workshop – Date; Saturday 18th May 2019  – Time; 10am – 4pm

Raiki Training

Only 4 places available!

This is a fun but practical day where you will be able to refresh your Reiki 2 skills, receive a power up re attunement, and to get practice on “clients”.

So many people have been attuned to Reiki 2 practitioner level, but have not used their Reiki 2 in the way it was intended. This experiential day will allow you to connect with fellow Reiki practitioners, as well as ‘re learn how to reconnect with the symbols and practical advice on how to deepen your connection and use your Reiki on paying clients.

I deliver a Western blended style of Reiki, based on the traditional Usui lineage to which I was attuned. This 1 day workshop is open to all styles of Reiki. Proof of your Reiki 2 certificate will be required before booking on this course. *

The day will begin with a meditation, re attunements, getting reaquainted with the symbols and a Reiki share. The afternoon will consist of discussions on how to market yourself as a Reiki practitioner, and then practice on “real clients”! There will only be a maximum of 4 students on this day to ensure you get the most out of the day.

Students are required to bring their own lunch. Refreshments are provided.

Investment £50. Certificate of attendance provided.

(* Manuals are not provided as you should already have one from your original course)



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